Excerpt from “The Creature from Jekyll Island”. How the Federal Reserve was created.
April 15th, 2010 by Wealth Code 2.0
Back in 1910, Jekyll Island was completely privately owned by a small group of millionaires from New York. We’re talking about people such as J. P. Morgan, William Rockefeller and their associates. This was a social club and it was called “The Jekyll Island Club.”
The island has since been purchased by the state of Georgia, converted into a state park and the clubhouse has been restored and you can visit it. I think you’d be very impressed by it. As you walk through the downstairs corridors you’ll come to a door and on the door there is a brass plaque and it says: “In this room the Federal Reserve System was created.”
The year was 1910, that was three years before the Federal Reserve Act was finally passed into law. It was November of that year when Senator Nelson Aldrich sent his private railroad car to the railroad station in New Jersey and there it was in readiness for the arrival of himself and six other men who were told to come under conditions of great secrecy.
For quite a few years thereafter these men denied that any such meeting took place. It wasn’t until after the Federal Reserve System was firmly established that they then began to talk openly about their journey and what they accomplished. Several of them wrote books on the topic, one of them wrote a magazine article and they gave interviews to newspaper reporters so now it’s possible to go into the public record and document quite clearly and in detail what happened there.
Who were these seven men? The first one I have already mentioned, Senator Nelson Aldrich was the Republican whip in the Senate, he was the chairman of the National Monetary Commission which was the special committee of Congress created for the purpose of making a recommendation to Congress for proposed legislation to reform banking.
The second important person there was Abraham Andrew who was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. He later became a Congressman and he was very important in banking circles.
Frank Vanderlip was there. He was the President of the National City Bank of New York which was the largest of all of the banks in America representing the financial interests of William Rockefeller and the international investment firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company.
Henry Davison was there, the senior partner of the J. P. Morgan Company. Charles Norton was there; he was the President of the First National Bank of New York which was another one of the giants. Benjamin Strong was at the meeting; he was the head of J. P. Morgan’s Banker’s Trust Company and Benjamin Strong three years later would become the first head of the Federal Reserve System.
Finally, there was Paul Warburg who was probably the most important at the meeting because of his knowledge of banking as it was practiced in Europe. He was a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company and was a representative of the Rothschild banking dynasty in England and France where he maintained very close working relationships throughout his entire career with his brother, Max Warburg, who was the head of the Warburg banking consortium in Germany and the Netherlands. Paul Warburg was one of the wealthiest men in the world. In fact, those of you who are Little Orphan Annie fans will remember Daddy Warbucks. Daddy Warbucks was the characterization of Paul Warburg and everyone at the time was well aware of that fact.
These were the seven men aboard that railroad car who were at Jekyll Island. Amazing as it may seem, they represented approximately 1/4 of the wealth of the entire world. These are the men that sat around the table and created the Federal Reserve System.
Consider the composition of this group. Here we had the Morgans, the Rockefellers, Kuhn, Loeb & Company, the Rothschilds and the Warburgs. Anything strange about that mixture? These were competitors. These were the major competitorsin the field of investment and banking in those days; these were the giants.
What is the word “cartel”. It is a group of independently owned businesses which come together for the purpose of reducing or eliminating competition between themselves to enhance their profit margin or to secure their positions in the market. They do this by various means one of which is price fixing–no competition on price.
This is just as true with a banking cartel as it is with any other industry. We come to the conclusion when we analyze the nature of the Federal Reserve System how it operates, read the Federal Reserve Act, place it against the context of the historical background and we come smack to the realization that the Federal Reserve System although it parades around looking as though it’s a government operation of some kind, is merely a cartel of banks right under our noses and it is protected by law.
Let’s take a look at it and see how they create money. The thing I want to warn you about is don’t try and make sense out of this because it can’t be done; this does not make sense and you’ll blow a fuse trying to make it make sense. Just remember that it is a scam and if you keep that fact in mind then you’ll have no trouble comprehending what’s going on.
The Federal Reserve and the Government form a big partnership.
Here’s how it works. It starts with the government side of the partnership, it starts in Congress which is spending money like crazy. It spends far more money than it takes in. It is spending way beyond its income. How can it do that? Basically this is what happens. Let’s say Congress needs an extra billion dollars today so it goes to the treasury and says “we want a billion dollars” and the treasury official says “you guys have got to be kidding, we don’t have any money here, you spent it all a long time ago, everything that we’ve taken in taxes you fellows have spent by March.” Congress says “we thought that was true but we thought we’d stop by just in case somebody sent some more in.” They get together and they go down the street and they get the idea that we’ll borrow the money. So they stop at the printing office and they don’t print money at the printing office, they print certificates and they’re very fancy things with borders on the edge with an eagle across the top and a seal at the bottom and it says “US Government Bond” or “Note” or “Bill” depending on the length of the maturity of it. If you hold it up to the light it really says “IOU” because that’s what it is. They print these things up and it looks very impressive and then they offer them to the private sector; they’re hoping that people will come up and loan money to the federal government and a lot of people do and are anxious to lend money to their government. Why? Because they’ve been told by their investment advisors that that’s the most sound investment that you can make. Why? We’ve all heard that these loans are backed by the full faith and credit of the US government. They’re not quite sure what that means but it sure sounds good. I’d like to explain for you who are in doubt what that means. The full faith and credit of the US government means that the government solemnly promises to pay back that loan plus interest if it has to take everything you and I have in the form of taxes in order to do it, it’s going to do it. It will take everything we have if necessary to hold its pledge. People don’t realize that they’re putting themselves on the line, they’re going to get their own money back minus a substantial handling fee.
Plenty of money is loaned to the government but never enough. Congress needs more money than that. They say not to worry. They go further down the street to the Federal Reserve building. The Fed has been waiting for them, that’s one of the reasons it was created. By the time they get inside the Federal Reserve building the officer of the Fed is opening his desk drawer. He knows they’re going to be there and he’s ready and he pulls out his checkbook and he writes a check to the US Treasury for one billion dollars or whatever the amount is that they need. He signs the check and gives it to the treasury official.
We need to stop here for a minute and ask a question. Where did they get a billion dollars to give to the treasury? who put that money into the account at the Federal Reserve System? The amazing answer is there is no money in the account at the Federal Reserve System. In fact, technically, there isn’t even an account, there is only a checkbook. That’s all. That billion dollars springs into being at precisely the instant the officer signs that check and that is called “monetizing the debt,” that’s the phrase they throw at you.
But what about the banking side? This is where it really gets interesting. Let’s go back to that billion dollar check. The treasury official deposits the check into the government’s checking account and all of a sudden the computers start to click and it shows that the government has a billion dollar deposit meaning that it can now write a billion dollars in checks against that deposit which it starts to do real fast.
This newly created money goes out into the economy and it dilutes down the value of the dollars that were already out there. It’s like pouring water into a pot of soup, it dilutes the soup. So by throwing more and more money into the economic soup out there the money gets weaker and weaker and weaker and we have the phenomenon called inflation which is the appearance of rising prices. I emphasis the word “appearance” because in reality prices are not rising at all. What we’re seeing is that the value of the dollar is going down, that’s the real side of the equation.
Since the money is created out of nothing from the Federal Reserve, it cost nothing to make it, but it wants something from you. It wants you to sign on the dotted line and pledge your house, your car, your inventory, your assets so that in case for any reason you cannot continue to make your payments they get your marbles, they get all of your assets. That’s the benefit to the large banks is a confiscation of assets over time for no money down.
Let’s summarize. What is the benefit to the members of the partnership? The government benefits because it is able to tax the American people any amount it wishes through a process which the people do not understand called inflation. They don’t realize they’re being taxed which makes it real handy when you’re going for re-election. On the banking side they’re able to earn perpetual interest on nothing. I emphasis the word “perpetual” because remember when the loan is paid back it’s turned around and loaned out to somebody else. Once that money is created the object of the bank is to stay loaned up” as they say. In reality the banks can never stay 100% loaned up and that ratio varies a lot but the objective is to stay loaned up to whatever extent is possible. Generally speaking once this money is created in the loan process it is out there in the economy forever, perpetually earning interest for one of the members of the banking cartel which created that money.
There you have in a condensed form a crash course on the Federal Reserve System and I can assure you that you know more about the Federal Reserve than you would probably if you enrolled in a four year course in economics because they don’t teach this reality in school.