US Navy Unveils New ‘Weapon’ In Middle East
“Release The Cash Pallet…” Source:
Wall Street’s Latest Retail Fleecing Product Exposed – Structured CDs
Created 09/08/2016 – 08:15 Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog, [4] Ms. Bailey, the Citizens Bank customer in Massachusetts, had sold a condo in Maine in 2013, a year after the death of her husband, who she says had handled their finances. She went to a Citizens branch in Arlington, a suburb of […]
Greater Fool Theory (In 1 Simple Chart)
Authored by SG Value Investor via, What is the Greater Fool Theory? The Greater Fool Theory is when the price of a good is not determined by its intrinsic value, but rather by irrational beliefs and expectations of market participants. Essentially, it is about buying a good at a price then offloading it to the next fool […]
Top 20 housing markets in the US – Six of them should give you the 2006 willies… 8-29-16 Food for thought. The rise of Adjustable, 2.5% down payment loans along with Two (Vallejo – Stockton) of the top 20 markets in the USA were the cities that bankrupted in 2008 Real Estate crash. The other four highlighted basically the outskirts people rush to when they can’t afford to buy where they want to live. […]
The folly of the FANG’s – How just four stocks have created all the value of the sp500 the last 4 months.
Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog, The Folly Of The FANGs Needless to say, there have been some spectacular rocket ships in the market’s melt-up during the last several years. But if history is any guide this is exactly the kind of action that always precedes a thundering bust. To wit, the market has narrowed down […]
Shiller P/E predicts negative return over next 10 years.
Shiller P/E – A Better Measurement of Market Valuation Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2016 09:12:32 -0500 (Updated every 10 minutes) Shiller P/E: 27.2 ( -0.13%) Shiller P/E is 62.9% higher than the historical mean of 16.7 Implied future annual return: -0.7% Historical low: 4.8 Historical high: 44.2 S&P 500: 2182.85 Regular P/E: 25 (historical mean: […]
This Is What Hyperinflationary Collapse Looks Like
by Jul 19, 2016 1:58 PM There was some good news for citizens of Venezuela yesterday, when the government – having mostly given up on trying to provide its citizens’ with even the most basic food needs – announced it has opened its border with Colombia for the second time this month to allow people […]
The typical American couple has only $5,000 saved for retirement
By Rex Nutting Published: June 14, 2016 12:18 p.m. ET A perverse tax policy helps the rich to save, but doesn’t help the rest of us The median working-age couple had $5,000 in a retirement savings account as of the most recent data. The top 10% of savers had accumulated $274,000, according to the […]
Does Bilderberg Really Run The World? One Chart To Help You Decide
By– Jun 10, 2016 1:19 PM With the Bilderberg 2016 meeting now humming along at the Taschenbergpalais hotel in Dresden, deep behind closed doors and protected by heavily-armed guards, many have wondered: just how hyperbolic are allegations that the Bilderbergs run the world. To help readers decide, here is a chart laying out the […]
What happens when inflation takes over….current case study The Venezuela Apocalypse
Over the last several years we have documented with clockwork regularity Venezuela’s collapse into failed state status, which was cemented several weeks ago when news hit that “Venezuela had officially run out of money to print new money.” At that point the best one could do was merely to step back and watch as local […]